Nimbus Collective exists to celebrate creativity, inspire imagination and equip Gods church.
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Explore the idea of INSIDE AND OUTSIDE RHYTHM with this simple reflection.



Group size

By yourself


As long as you want to take



Picture this… you receive an invite to go for tea at Buckingham Palace, a very prestigious event and one you are unbelievable excited and nervous in equal measures.

You are in a taxi on your way there and you hit London (Pre lockdown) traffic. Stand Still.

The clock on the taxi dashboard keeps clicking on and time is quickly disappearing. Your heart starts pounding as you urge the traffic to move faster, or even just move at all! However, the traffic is slow, very slow, and yet your racing heart is oh so fast!

Here we have a classic example of “inside” and “outside time”- The outside rhythm in this scenario is slow, lethargic almost and the inside rhythm is fast and frantic. I wonder if you have ever experienced this friction of different rhythms at the same time in your life?

Explore the idea of INSIDE AND OUTSIDE RHYTHM with this simple reflection- Watch the video and download the PDF to get started!

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